Mitsis forms long-term partnerships, some dating since the group’s creation back in 1976.
For more than 45 years we have built relationships and have grown with our partners. We are proud that a wide network of international tourism professionals, tour operators, travel agents and online travel agents support our operations. Maintaining excellent relationships with our business partners is very important to us, especially as we expand and share knowledge of hospitality services and trends. The list of our trusted partners consists of more than 50 tour operators, 1,000 travel agents and 25 online travel agents.

Partnerships with our suppliers, leasing and merchandising companies prove to be a valuable ingredient in offering premium-quality services to our guests. At Mitsis Hotels we have solid, strong and trustworthy relationships with our commercial network to deliver our best offerings.
Increasing business value through innovative strategies and sustaining the technological edge are among our business goals. Building strong relationships with recognised and qualified technological companies, agencies and service providers is significant to achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction.
Being an active member of the communities that nurture us in each of the 5 unique destinations in which we operate is of high significance and value for our group. We aspire to promote local culture, protect our environment, and enhance the overall prosperity of the destinations. Within the framework of its corporate social responsibility, our Group, and its contribution to the economic development of the local communities where it operates, supports and cooperates with local businesses and stakeholders, and the local community in order to protect local culture, heritage and traditions, intellectual, social and cultural development, and the wider prosperity of local societies.