Download Mitsis Mobile App

Explore our world at the palm of your hand!



Aiming to offer a more engaging user experience and improved communication with our guests, we further updated our brand by adding a new digital asset in our solid 360° Digital Marketing Strategy. Our mobile app is a Mitsis Hotels guide at the palm of our guests’ hands that fosters continuous communication and direct contact with our visitors. Designed to adapt to all mobile devices, the Mitsis app is a useful asset that allows our guests to stay informed about our offers, services, events and updates with just one click.

Discover all you need to know about MITSIS fast & easy, anywhere, anytime!

With our branded app, guests can access any hotel service and other information anytime, while our hotels can use the app to get in touch with guests at the right moment, sending important notifications, updates, offers, and alerts. Its easy user navigation makes it fun and friendly to any age. With Mitsis app, guests can now book their stay fast and easy, check-in in no time and book their preferred Concierge services while laying at the beach!

Available now for download on Apple Store & Google Play.

Feel free to send us any feedback, questions or comments at [email protected].